I Got Fired: Story #1 of Why I Started Better

I Got Fired: Story #1 of Why I Started Better
I Got Fired: Story #1 of Why I Started Better
Did you get let go recently? Me too.
Now I'll caveat this story by saying this was a couple of years ago, but it was one of those moments that made me realize I wanted to start a company like Better.
Welcome to part #1 of a series of unfortunate events that led me to starting my own brand and why I think you should care about it.
A couple of years ago I was working in corporate America. I had a great manager and we had a great relationship. Anyways his wife was about to have a baby and he was at the hospital. Baby was coming. They decide to send an email that says "Hey, you're no longer a part of the company effective immediately." You know the writing was on the wall. A couple months later they took my job and they outsourced it I was just appalled. I didn't know what to do. And it was one of those moments that made me think man if I own my own company, do I need to make that much money? At the end of the day, all i'm trying to do is buy a house and provide for my family. I don't want that much right i don't need to be a millionaire.
So yeah, this is just part one I'm gonna keep talking about a bunch of other stories that eventually came together and started this company Better.